An Introduction To Chinese Philosophy
Tác giả: Karyn L. Lai
Ký hiệu tác giả: LA-K
DDC: 181.11 - Triết học Trung Hoa
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0003616
Nhà xuất bản: Cambridge University Press, Australia
Năm xuất bản: 2008
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 307
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Preface page xi
Lists of Dates xiii
1 Chinese Philosophy 1
Origins of Chinese Philosophy 3
Features of Chinese Philosophy 4
Self Cultivation 4
Understanding the Self: Relationships and Contexts 6
Conceptions of Harmony 8
Conceptions of Change 10
The Philosophy of the Yijing ( The Book of Changes) 11
Thinking Philosophically 15
2 Confucius and the Cofucian Concepts Ren and Li 19
Reading the Analects 19
Ren: Humaneness 21
Ren as Love 22
Ren, the Confucian Golden Rule 22
Ren and the Cultivation of Special Relationships 23
Ren as Ethical Wisdom 24
Li: Behavioural Propriety 25
Ren and Li 27
Ren is Fundamental  28
Li is Fumdamental 29
Ren and Li are Interdependent Concepts 30
Ren and Li in Contemporary Philosophical Debates 30
3 The Cultivation of Humanity in Confucian  
Philosophy: Mencius and Xunzi 35
Mencius: The Cultivation of Human Nature 36
Xunzi: The Regulation of Human Behaviour  40
Li (Appropriate Behaviour) and Fa (Standard and Penal Law 41
Zhengming: Regulating Society with Prescribed Titles 43
The Way of Heaven and the Way of Humanity 45
Personal Cultivation and Social Development 47
Character Development and the Cultivation of Skills 49
4 Early Mohist Philosophy 55
Texts and Themes 56
The Essays 57
Maximising the Collective Good 59
Working with Standards 63
5 Early Daoist Philosophy: The Dao De Jing as  
a Metaphysical Treatise 71
The origins of Daoist Philosophy and the Early Daoist Texts 72
Dao as Reality: the Search for a New Reality 74
Opposites: Contrast and Complementation 81
De and the Intergrity of the Individual 84
6 Early Daoist Philosophy: Dao, Language and Society 93
Dao, Language and Indoctrination 94
Wuwei 97
Wuwei and Government 99
Wuwei and Learning 102
The Ethics of Ziran and Wuwei 105
7 The Mingjia and  the Later Mohists 111
The Mingjia Debates 114
Hui Shi 115
Gongsun Long 118
The Later Mohists 123
Argumentation and Disputation: Bian 125
Language, Names and Propositions 128
Scientific Discussions 131
Practising Jianai: Utilitarian Morality 134
Philosophy of Language in Early China 136
8 Zhuangzi's Philosophy 142
Epistemological Questions in the Qiwu Lun 145
Interpretations of Zhuangzi's Scepticism 152
Cultivating Knack 156
The Implications of the Philosophy of the Zhuangzi 166
9 Legalist Philosophy 172
Three Basic Themes: Penal Law, Technique and Power 174
Fa: Standards and Penal Law 174
Shu: The Technique of Managing the Bureaucracy 178
Shi: Power 181
Han Fei, the Great Synthesiser 184
Debates in Legalist Philosophy 186
Human Nature 186
Citizenry: the Role of the common People 187
Best Man and Best Laws 189
Bureaucracy 191
Secrecy, Power and the Control of Knowledge 193
Government and Human Development 195
10 The Yijing and its Place in Chinese Philosophy 199
The Text and Commenraties 201
Comprehensive Synthesis and Correlative Thinking  
during the Han 203
Correlative Thinking: then Spirit of the Yijing 212
(1) The Primacy of Observation 213
(2) A Holistic, All-emcompassing Perspective 214
(3) A Dialectical and Complementary Approach to Dualisms 215
(4) Correlative Thinking and Resonance 217
(5) An Interpretive Approach to the Meanings of the  
Hexagrams and Correspondences 220
(6) Constant Moverment Maked by the Inevitability  
of Change 223
(7) The Action-guiding Nature of the Judgements 226
The Impact of the Yijing 229
11 Chinese Buddhism 235
Basic Tenets of Buddhist Thought 236
The Introduction of Buddhism into China 244
Chinese Buddhist Doctrines during the fifth and   
sixth centuries CE 250
Three Treatise (San Lun) Buddhism 251
Consciousness-Only (Wei Shi) Buddhism 253
Tian Tai Buddhism 255
Flower Garland (Han Yan) Buddhism 257
Chan Buddhism 261
Chinese Buddism 267
Postscript 272
Glossary 278
Bibliography 288
Index 300