Baptism, Eucharist And Ministry
Tác giả: World Council of Churches
Ký hiệu tác giả: CH-W
DDC: 234.16 - Bí tích tổng quát
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0007635
Nhà xuất bản: World Council of Churches
Năm xuất bản: 1988
Khổ sách: 20
Số trang: 33
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
I. The Institution of Baptism 2
II. The Meaning of Baptism 2
A. Participation in Christ's Death and Resurrection 2
B. Conversion, Pardoning and Cleansing 2
C. The Gift of the Spirit 2
D. Incorporation into the Body of Christ 3
E. The Sign of the Kingdom 3
III. Baptism and Faith 3
IV. Baptismal Practice 4
A. Baptism of Believers and Infants 4
B. Baptism-Chrismation-Confirmation 4
C. Towards Mutual Recognition of Baptism 6
V. The Celebration of Baptism 6
I. The Institution of the Eucharist 10
II. The Meaning of the Eucharist 10
A. The Eucharist as Thanksgiving to Father 10
B. The Eucharist as Anamneis or Memorial of Christ 11
C. The Eucharist as Invocation of the Spirit 13
D. The Eucharist as Communion of the Faithful 14
E. The Eucharist as Meal of the Kingdom 14
III. The Celebration of the Eucharist 15
I. The Calling of the Whole People of God 20
II. The Church and the Ordained Ministry 21
A. The Ordained Ministry 21
B. Ordained Ministry and Authority 22
C. Ordained Ministry and Priesthood  23
D. The Ministry of Men and Women in the Church 23
III. The Forms of the Ordained Ministry 24
A. Bishops, Presbyters and Deacons 24
B. Guiding Principles for the Exercise of the Ordained Ministry in the Church 25
C. Functions of Bishops, Presbyters and Deacons 26
D. Variety of Charisms 27
IV. Succession in the Apostolic Tradition 28
A. Apostolic Tradition in the Church 28
B. Succession of the Apostolic Ministry 28
V. Ordination 30
A. The Meaning of Ordination  30
B. The Act of Ordination 30
C. The Conditions for Ordination 31
VI. Towards the Mutual Recognition of the Ordained Ministries 32
Appendix 33