A General Doctrine Of The Sacraments And The Mystery Of The Eucharist
Phụ đề: Dogmatic Theology
Tác giả: Johann Auer
Ký hiệu tác giả: AU-J
Dịch giả: Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis
DDC: 234.16 - Bí tích tổng quát
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0017187
Nhà xuất bản: The Catholic University Of America Press, Washington, D.C.
Năm xuất bản: 1995
Khổ sách: 20
Số trang: 425
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Preface to the Original German Series xi
Preface to the English Edition of the Series  xiv
Preface to This Volume xvi
Prefaces to the Second and Third Editions xviii
Editor's Note on This Volume xx
An introduction to the Work of Johann Auer xxii
Abbreviations xxvii
General Introduction 1
A General Doctrine of the Sacraments 7
I. Concept and Nature of Sacrament 9
1. The Meaning of the Word "Sacrament" 9
2. The Objective Meaning of Sacrament: Definition of Sacrament 11
3. Pre-Christian and Non-Christian Sacramental Analogies 19
4. Short History of General Sacramental Doctrine 25
Il. The Essential Structure of the Sacramental Sign (Structural Determinants) 36
1. The Synthetic Structure of the Sacramental Sign 36
2. The Essential Interior Meaning of Sacrament (The "Inner Sacrament") 41
III. The Sacraments' Saving Reality and Efficacy 44
1. The Principal Effects of the Sacraments 46
2. Conformity to Christ as Chief Effect of a Sacrament: Basic Theories of Mystery Theology 51
3. The Sacramental Character as Effect of the Sacrament 67
4. The Sacraments' Objective Efficacy (ex opere operato) 74
5. The Manner of the Sacraments' Effect 78
IV. Origin, Number, and Organic Structure of the Sacraments 83
1. The Historical Christ, Author of the Sacraments 83
2. Seven, the Number of the Sacraments 87
3. Order and Necessity of the Seven Sacraments 94
V. The Minister of the Sacraments 99
1. The Person of the Minister 100
2. Subjective Requirements in the Minister of the Sacraments 104
VI. The Recipient of the Sacraments 113
1. The Person of the Recipient 113
2. Subjective Requirements for the Recipient of the Sacraments 114
VII. The Sacramentals 120
1. The World as Sacrament 122
2. Human Sacramental Existence and the Sacramentals 133
VII. God's Word as Sacrament 137
1. Toward an Understanding of "Word" 137
2. The Sacramental Form the Word of God Assumes in the New Covenant 142
The Mystery of the Eucharist 149
Introduction 151
1. Toward an Understanding of the Eucharistic Mystery 155
2. Short History of the Eucharistic Doctrine 161
I. The Meaning of the Sacramental Sign in the Eucharistic Mystery 177
1. Toward an Understanding of the Words of Promise and Institution 177
2. The Particular Shape of the External Sign in the Eucharistic Sacrament 186
3. The Unique Symbolic Meaning of the External Sign in the Eucharistic Sacrament 198
II. The Eucharist as Sacramental Sacrifice (The Meal-Sacrifice) 239
1. Sacrifice and Sacrament 239
2. The Reality of the Sacrifice of the Mass 245
3. The Nature of the Sacrifice of the Mass 269
4. The Effects of the Sacrifice of the Mass 288
III. The Eucharist as Sacrificial Meal (The Meal as Sacrament) 305
1. The Minister and the Recipient of the Holy Eucharist 305
2. Intercommunion and "Open Communion" 316
3. The Effects of the Holy Eucharist 321
4. The Necessity of the Eucharist for Eternal Salvation 332
IV. The Eucharist as an Object Worthy of Adoration 335
1. Adoration and Veneration of the Blessed Sacrament 335
V. The Eucharist and the Church 341
The Eucharistic Body and the Mystical Body of Christ 341
Birth and Growth of the Church from the Eucharistic Mystery to the End of the World 353
Epilogue 363
Appendices to the Text 365
Notes 375
Select Bibliography 391
Index of Names 413
Index of Subjects 423