What, Then Is Liturgy? - Musings And Memoir
Tác giả: Anscar J. Chupungco
Ký hiệu tác giả: CH-A
DDC: 264.020.1 - Phụng vụ tổng quát - Thần học về Phụng vụ
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0012407
Nhà xuất bản: Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc
Năm xuất bản: 2010
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 268
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Đang mượn
Chapter One: Both Human and Divine 1
Tensions Generated by the Liturgical Reform 4
Challenges of the Liturgical Reform.. 10
Liturgy and Technology 11
Sunday Observance 13
Weekday Order of Mass. 15
Role of Women 18
Inculturation 20
Liturgy of the Hours 23
The Church Intent on Contemplation 26
Liturgy and the Universe 33
The Human Body and Liturgy 45
Chapter Two: "And So, What Is Liturgy?" 55
Liturgy Is Service 56
The Official Worship of the Church. 63
Liturgy and the History of Salvation 71
Salvation History 74
The Paschal Mystery and Hope 77
Anamnesis and Epiclesis. 82
Sacramentals and Blessings. 89
Components of Liturgical Worship  100
Word and Sacrament . 100
Other Components. 104
Chapter Three: To the Father, Through the Son, in the Holy Spirit 107
Liturgy Is Encounter with God  107
Glory to the Father 110
Through Christ Our Lord  114
Christ the Sacrament 114
Christ the Mediator 117
Through Him, with Him, in Him  119
In the Unity of the Holy Spirit 121
The Holy Spirit in the Liturgy 121
The Holy Spirit and the Incarnate Word 127
The Mission of Christ in the Spirit 130
The Spirit of the Glorified Lord 133
Chapter Four: In the Holy Church 137
The Worshiping Community. 137
Christ and the Priestly People 139
Christ's Presence in the Church . 144
The Liturgy as Epiphany of the Church 148
The Church and Places of Worship 154
Where to Find the Church .. 161
Chapter Five: Per Ritus et Preces 165
Liturgy as Ritual Feast 165
Liturgical Symbols . 167
Rubrics in the Liturgy 175
The Use of the Vernacular Language 185
Ritual Language  190
The Ritual Language of ICEL 197
Principles of Liturgical Translation . 202
A Note on Liturgiam authenticam. 218
Musical Liturgy 223
Liturgical Vessels and Vestments. 232
Sacred Images in the Liturgy.. 238
Mass Media in the Liturgy. 244
Conclusion: Liturgy and Spirituality 251
Spirituality in General 251
Liturgical Spirituality 254
Index of Ecclesiastical Documents . 261
Index of Persons 262
Index of Subjects 264