The Gospel According to John
Phụ đề: (i-xii)
Tác giả: Fr. Raymond E. Brown, S.S.
Ký hiệu tác giả: BR-R
DDC: 226.5 - Tin Mừng Thánh Gioan
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Tập - số: 29
Số cuốn: 5

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0001097
Nhà xuất bản: Doubleday, New York
Năm xuất bản: 1978
Khổ sách: 24
Số trang: 690
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 258SB0001098
Nhà xuất bản: Doubleday, New York
Năm xuất bản: 1978
Khổ sách: 24
Số trang: 690
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 258SB0005714
Nhà xuất bản: Doubleday, New York
Năm xuất bản: 1978
Khổ sách: 24
Số trang: 690
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 258SB0005715
Nhà xuất bản: Doubleday, New York
Năm xuất bản: 1978
Khổ sách: 24
Số trang: 690
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 258SB0005716
Nhà xuất bản: Doubleday, New York
Năm xuất bản: 1978
Khổ sách: 24
Số trang: 690
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Preface V
Principal Abbreviations XIII
I. The Present State of Johannine Studies XXI
II. The Unity and Composition of the Fourth Gospel XXIV
A. The Problem XXIV
B. Possible Solutions XXV
(1) Theories of Accidental Displacements XXVI
(2) Theories of Multiple Source XXVM
(3) Theories of Multiple Editions XXXII
C. The Theory Adopted in This Commentary XXXIV
III. The Tradition behind the Fourth Gospel XLI
A. The Value of the Information Found Only in John XLII
B. The Question of Dependency upon the Synoptic Gospels XLIV
C. The Value of John in Reconstructing Jesus’ Ministry XLVU
IV. Proposed Influences on the Religious Thought of the Fourth Gospel LII
A. Gnosticism LII
(1) John and Christian Gnosticism LIII
(2) John and the Reconstructed Pre-Christian Gnosticism LIV
B. Hellenistic Thought LVI
(1) John and Greek Philosophy LVII
(2) John and Philo LVII
(3) John and the Hermetica LVIII
C. Palestinian Judaism LIX
(1) John and the Old Testament LIX
(2) John and Rabbinic Judaism LXI
(3) John and Qumran LXII
V. The Destination and Purpose of the Fourth Gospel LXVTT
A. Apologetic Kgoinst the Sectarians of John the Baptist LXVTT
B. Argument with the Jews LXX
(1) Justification of Christian Claims against Jewish Unbelief LXX
(2) Appeal to Jewish Christians In the Diaspora Synagogues LXXM
C. Argument against Christian Heretics LXXV
D Encouragement to Believing Christians, Gentile and Jew LXXVII
VI lite Date of the Final Written Form of the Gospel LXXX
A. The Latest Plausible Date LXXX
B. The Earliest Plausible Date LXXXIII
VII. The Identity of the Author and the Place of Composition LXXXVII
A. The External Evidence about the Author LXXXV
B. The Internal Evidence about the Author XCII
C. Correlation of the Hypothesis of John as Author with a Modem Theory of Composition XCVIII
D. The Place of Composition CIII
VIII Crucial Questions in Johannine Theology CV
A. Eccleslology CV
B. Sacramentallsm CXI
C. Eschatology CXV
D. Wisdom Motifs CXXII
IX. The Language, Text, and Format of the Gospel and Some Considerations on style CXXIX
A. The Original language of the Gospel CXXIX
B. The Greek Text of the Gospel CXXXI
Q The Poetic Format of the Gospel Discourses CXXXII
D. Notable Characteristics in Johannine Style CXXXV
X. The Outline of the Gospel CXXXVIII
A. The General Outline of the Gospel CXXXVM
B. The General Outline of Bro Book of Signs CXXXIX
XI. General Selected Bibliography CXLV
1. The Introductory Hymn (i 1-18) 3
2. The Testimony of John the Baptist: Concerning His Role (1 19-28) 42
3. The Testimony of John the Baptist: Concerning Jesus (i 29-34) 55
4. The Baptist’s Disciples Come to Jesus: The First Two Disciples and Simon Peter (i 35-42) 73
5. The Baptist’s Disciples Come to Jesus: Philip and Nathanael (i 43-51) 81
6. The First Sign at Cana in Galilee Changing of Water to Wine (ii 1-11) 97
7. Jesus Goes to Capernaum (ii 12) 112
8. The Cleansing of the Temple in Jerusalem (ii 13-22) 114
9. Reaction to Jesus in Jerusalem (ii 23-25) 126
10. Discourse with Nicodemus in Jerusalem (iii 1-21) 128
11. The Baptist’s Final Witness (iii 22-30) 150
12. The Discourse Concluded (iii 31-36) 157
13. Jesus Leaves Judea (iv 1-3) 164
14. Discourse with the Samaritan Woman at Jacob’s Well (iv 4 42) 166
15. Jesus Enters Galilee (iv 43-45) 186
16. The Second Sign at Cana in Galilee Healing the Official’s Son (iv 46-54) 190
17. Jesus on the Sabbath: The Healing at Bethesda (v 1-15) 205
18. Jesus on the Sabbath: Discourse on His Sabbath Work (V 16-30) 212
19. Jesus on the Sabbath: Discourse on His Sabbath Work (continued) (v 31-47) 222
20. Jesus at Passover: The Multiplication of the Loaves (vi 1-15) 231
21. Jesus at Passover: Walking on the Sea of Galilee (vi 16 21) 251
22. Jesus at Passover: The Crowd Comes to Jesus (vi 22-24) 257
23. Jesus at Passover: Preface to the Discourse on the Bread of Life (vi 25-34) 260
24. Jesus at Passover: Discourse on the Bread of Life (vi 35-50) 268
25. Jesus at Passover: Discourse on the Bread of Life (continued) (vi 51-59) 281
26. Jesus at Passover: Reactions to the Discourse on the Bread of Life (vi 60-71) 295
27. Jesus at Tabernacles: Introduction (vii 1-13) 305
28. Jesus at Tabernacles: Scene One (vii 14-36) 310
29. Jesus at Tabernacles: Scene Two (vii 37-52) 319
30. The Story of the Adulteress (vii 53, viii 1-11) 332
31. Jesus at Tabernacles: Scene Three (viii 12-20) 339
32. Jesus at Tabernacles: Scene Three (continued) (viii 21-30) 346
33. Jesus at Tabernacles: Scene Three (concluded) (viii 31-59) 352
34. Aftermath of Tabernacles: The Healing of a Blind Man (ix 1-41) 369
35. Aftermath of Tabernacles: Jesus as Sheepgate and Shepherd (X 1-21) 383
36. Jesus at Dedication: Jesus as Messiah and Son of God (X 22-39) 401
37. Apparent Conclusion to the Public Ministry (x 40-42) 413
38. Jesus Gives Men Life: The Story of Lazarus (xi 1-44) 420
39. Men Condemn Jesus to Death: The Sanhedrin (xi 45-54) 438
40. Will Jesus Come to Jerusalem for Passover? (xi 55-57) 445
41. Scenes Preparatory to Passover and Death: The Anointing at Bethany (xii 1-8) 447
42. Scenes Preparatory to Passover and Death: The Entry into Jerusalem (xii 9-19) 455
43. Scenes Preparatory to Passover and Death: The Coming of the Hour (xii 20-36) 465
44. An Evaluation of Jesus’ Ministry to His Own People (xii 37-43) 483
45. An Unattached Discourse of Jesus Used as a Summary Proclamation (xii 44-50) 489
I: Johannine Vocabulary 497
II: The “Word" 519
III: Signs and Works 525
IV: Egõ Eimi “I am” 533