Jesus Christ Liberator
Phụ đề: A Critical Christology of Our Time
Tác giả: Leonardo Boff
Ký hiệu tác giả: BO-L
Dịch giả: Patrick Hughes
DDC: 232.1 - Kitô học
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0006890
Nhà xuất bản: Great Britain
Năm xuất bản: 1980
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 323
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
The History of the history of Jesus 1
How can we know christ? The hermeneutic 32
What did Jesus Christ really want? 49
Jesus Christ, liberator of the human condition 63
Jesus, a person of extraordinary good sense, creative imagination, and originality 80
The meaning of the death of Jesus 100
Resurrection: The realization of a human utopia 212
Who really was Jesus of Nazareth? 139
The Christological Process Continues: The Accounts of Jesus' infancy -  theology of history? 158
Only a God could be so human! Jesus, the man who is God 178
Where can we find the resurrected Christ today? 206
What Name can we call Jesus Christ today? 226
Jesus Christ and Christianity: Reflections on the essence of christianity 247
Epilogue: A Christological view from the periphery 264
Notes 296