Jesus Christ Liberator | |
Phụ đề: | A Critical Christology of Our Time |
Tác giả: | Leonardo Boff |
Ký hiệu tác giả: |
BO-L |
Dịch giả: | Patrick Hughes |
DDC: | 232.1 - Kitô học |
Ngôn ngữ: | Anh |
Số cuốn: | 1 |
Hiện trạng các bản sách
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích
The History of the history of Jesus | 1 |
How can we know christ? The hermeneutic | 32 |
What did Jesus Christ really want? | 49 |
Jesus Christ, liberator of the human condition | 63 |
Jesus, a person of extraordinary good sense, creative imagination, and originality | 80 |
The meaning of the death of Jesus | 100 |
Resurrection: The realization of a human utopia | 212 |
Who really was Jesus of Nazareth? | 139 |
The Christological Process Continues: The Accounts of Jesus' infancy - theology of history? | 158 |
Only a God could be so human! Jesus, the man who is God | 178 |
Where can we find the resurrected Christ today? | 206 |
What Name can we call Jesus Christ today? | 226 |
Jesus Christ and Christianity: Reflections on the essence of christianity | 247 |
Epilogue: A Christological view from the periphery | 264 |
Notes | 296 |

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