Rethinking Fundamental Theology
Tác giả: Gerald O'collins, S.J.
Ký hiệu tác giả: OC-G
DDC: 231.74 - Mặc Khải
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 2

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0006086
Nhà xuất bản: Oxford University Press, New York
Năm xuất bản: 2011
Khổ sách: 20
Số trang: 365
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Đang mượn
Mã số: 258SB0006087
Nhà xuất bản: Oxford University Press, New York
Năm xuất bản: 2011
Khổ sách: 20
Số trang: 365
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
1. History, Terms, Identity, and Thems 1
Historical background 2
Apologetics and fundamental theology 4
Terms and boundaries 5
Themes for fundamental theology 15
A coda: the contribution of Bernard Lonergan 16
2. Faith in a Personal God 18
The divine attributes 19
Special divine activity 22
The existence of God  29
Apparoaches to the God-question 34
Conclusion 35
3. The Human Condition 37
Four possible visions 37
Homo experience 42
Religious experience 52
4. General and Special Revelation 56
General revelation 57
General revelation and faith 61
Special revelation 65
Means of revelation 74
Word and revelation 79
Mediators of special verelation 83
Discerning the prophetic experience 87
True and false prophets 90
Conclusion 92
5. Jesus the fullness of Revelation 96
The fourfold witness to the historical Jesus 97
The preaching of the kingdom: parables and miracles 106
The kingdom in person  114
The Trinity revealed? 120
Revelation past, present, and future 128
6. The Crucified and Resurrected Revealer 136
Revelation through the cross 138
Revelation through the resurrection 144
A case for the resurrection 146
The meaning of the claim 147
The Easter appearances 149
The discovery of the empty tomb 154
Novelties to explain 156
The resurrection as revealing 159
7. The Faith that Responds to Revelation 166
Three Positions 168
A narrative theology of faith 179
 Some conclusions 188
8. Tradition and the Traditions 190
The human reality of tradition 192
Christian tradition 194
Toward an ecumenical convergence? 196
Discerning the tradition within the traditions 207
Revelation, tradition, and Scripture 212
9. Revelation, the Bible, and Inspiration 216
 The formation of the Bible 216
The use of the Bible 220
The inspiration of the Bible 223
The function of inspiration 231
10. The Truth, Canon, and Interpretation of the Bible 234
The saving truth of the Bible 234
The canon of Scriptures 244
Interpreting the Bible 253
A coda: hearing the word 261
11. The Founding of the Church 265
The Founding of the Church 268
The founder of the Church 275
The call of the Twelve 278
Any time for the Church? 279
The early Church 283
Early leadership 287
Into the second century 291
The kingdom and the Church 292
12. World Religions and Christ the Revealer and Saviour 293
Two preliminaries 294
The doctrinal background 298
The universal presence of Christ 303
Christ's universal presence and the religious 307
The transformation of Christ 308
The permanence of Christ's humanity 311
The universal presence of the Holy Spirit 317
The faith of others and the Church 319
A coda: the omnipresence of the risen Christ 322
13. Theological Styles and Methods 323
Three styles of theology 329
Risks and possibilities 331
Some guidelines Epilogue 342
Index of Names 345
Subject Index 353
Bibilical Index 355