The Ratzinger Reader
Phụ đề: Mapping A Theological Journey
Tác giả: Benoît XVI - Joseph Ratzinger
Ký hiệu tác giả: RA-J
Dịch giả: Gerard Mannion, Lieven Boeve
DDC: 230 - Kitô giáo và thần học Kitô giáo
Ngôn ngữ: Việt
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0004447
Nhà xuất bản: T&T Clark
Năm xuất bản: 2010
Khổ sách: 24
Số trang: 286
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Acknowledgments ix
Volume Format and Guidance to Reader xi
Preface: Mapping a Theological Journey Gerard Manion xiii
Introduction: Josehp Ratginger: His Life, Thoungt and Work 1
Lieven Boeve  
Joseph Ratzinger: Prolific Theologian and Outspoken Church Leader 1
Only the truth will set you free 7
Both Church Leader and Theologian Concurrently? 9
Is there a Ratzinger I and a Ratzinger II? The Question of the Theological 'Volta-fraccia' 11
1. Theological Foundations: revelation, Tradition and Hermeneutics 13
Lieven Boeve  
Introduction 13
1.1 Revelation, Scripture and Tradition 13
1.2 The Formation of Tradition 18
1.3 Christian Faith Challenged by a Modern Context 28
2 Christ, Humanity and Salvation 51
Lieven Boeve  
Introduction 51
2.1 Christian Faith is About Conversion: 'It is no longer I who live, who lives me' (Gal 2:20a) 53
2.2 Salvation 57
2.3 Salvation in Christ: 'I am the way, the truth and the life' (John 14:6) 65
2.4 Salvation in Christ Includes the Hope of Resurrection and Eternal Life 72
2.5 The Historical and Bodily Human Being Before God: A Sacramental Anthropology 75
3 Undersanding the Church: Fundamental Ecclesilogy Gerard Mannion 81
Introduction 81
3.1 The Essential Nature of the Church 87
3.2 The Babylonian Captivity of the Post-Conciliar Church 94
3.3 Reinterpreting the Ecclesiology fo Vatican II: The Ontological Priority of the Universal Church 100
3.4 The Fullness of the Church: Discerning te Meaning of 'Subsistit in' 108
3.5 A Nornative Ecclesiology of Communion: A Project on the Way 113
4 Christian Faith, Church and World 119
Lieven Boeve  
4.1 The Dialogue of the Church with the Modern World 119
4.2 The Christian Soul of Europe 125
4.3 Christian Faith and Politics 133
5. Christian Unity and Religious Dialogue: On Ecumenism and Other Faiths 139
Gerard Mannion  
Introduction 139
5.1 Christianity and World Religions 148
5.2 No Salvation Outside the Church? 154
5.3 Discerning the 'Ecumenical Dispute ' between Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestatism 160
5.4 Ecumenical Realities Today 167
5.5 Agianst Pluralism and Relativism 172
6 Teaching and Auhority: Dimensions of Magissterium Gerard Manion 179
Introduction 179
6.1 The Relationship between the Bishops and the Papacy 187
6.2 The Structure and Task of the Synod of Bishops 201
6.3 Free Expression and Obedience in the Church 207
6.4 The Vocation of the Catholic Theologian 212
6.5 Magisterium and Morality 218
7 Liturgy, Catechesis and Evanglelization 225
Gerard Mannion  
Introduction 225
7.1 Change and Permanence in the Liturgy 233
7.2 The Crisis of Catechesis 240
7.3 The Teaching office of the Bishop 246
7.4 The New Evangelization 251
8 Interpeting the Second Vatican Council  257
Lieven Boeve  
Introduction 258
8.1 Aggiornamento and Vatican II 264
8.2 The Recception of Vatican: ' The Real Time of Vatican II in Still to Come' 272
8.3 Interpreting Vatican II: Between the Spirit and the Letter  
Postscript: Which 'hermneneutics of reform'? 276
Index of Names 281
Index of Subjects 284