Thomas Aquinas - Selected Philosophical Writings
Tác giả: St. Thomas Aquinas
Ký hiệu tác giả: AQ-T
Dịch giả: Timothy McDermott
DDC: 110 - Siêu hình học
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0002737
Nhà xuất bản: Oxford University Press, New York
Năm xuất bản: 1993
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 458
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
I Structures of Thought 1
1. On natural Science, Mathematics, and Metaphysics 1
II Structures of things in General 51
2. Being, Unity, Goodness, Truth 51
3. Actual and Potential Being 65
4. Matter, Form, Agent, And Goal 67
5. Substance and Accidents, Action and Passion 80
6. Essence and Existence 90
III The ladder of being 115
7. General overview 115
8. How elements are present within compounds 117
9. Life, or soul and its abilities 121
10. Levels of life 129
11. Inner and outer senses 138
12. Mind(a) 145
13. Mind (b) 150
14. Mind © 152
15. Feelings 156
16. Will as rational desire 169
17. Free will 171
18. Soul in human beings 184
19. My soul is not me 192
IV God in himself 195
20. There exists a God 195
21. God is his own existence 202
22. Eternity and time 209
23. Do we have words for God 214
24. How we know one simple God by many concepts 230
25. How God knows many things by one simple idea 240
26. God's power 242
V God as the beginning of things 251
27. Creation as God's doing 251
28. Did creation occur in time 263
29. Providence (a): the ordered universe 270
30. Providence (b): chance and freedom 277
31. Providence (c) : how evil is caused 284
32. Providence (d): does God cause evil? 289
33. Is God at work in nature and in will 297
VI God as the end of things 315
34. God as goal of human living 315
35. Moral action 342
36. Virtue 390
37. Law 409
38. Love of God as virtue 421
Notes 426
Index 447