The Church With A Human Face
Phụ đề: A New And Expanded Theology Of Ministry
Tác giả: Edward Schillebeeckx
Ký hiệu tác giả: SC-E
DDC: 262.14 - Hàng giáo sĩ
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 2

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0015576
Nhà xuất bản: SCM Press
Năm xuất bản: 1985
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 308
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 258SB0016299
Nhà xuất bản: SCM Press
Năm xuất bản: 1985
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 308
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Preface xi
Introduction 1
Part One  
Jesus Christ and his Messianic Communities  
1.  Jesus' historical identity as reflected in the messianic Jesus movement 13
2.  Church Communities, 'living from the Spirit' 34
Part Two  
The Practice and Theology of Ministry in the Early Communities of Christian Believers  
Introduction 40
Section 1: A socio-historical approach, though not without theological importance 42
1.  Authority and leadership in the early church 42
2.  Authority and leadership in the post-apostolic New Testament communities of believers and in the early church 66
3.  Conclusion 73
Section 2: A theological approach, though not without sociological interest 74
1.  The founders of communities and those 'who labour among you, lead you and admonish you' (I Thess.5.12; see Rom.12.8-9) 74
2.  Ministry: the specific crystallization of a universal charisma of the Spirit into of gift of the Spirit reserved for certain Christians with a function in the church 81
3.  Ministry in newly founded churches 104
4.  The theological content of ministry 115
5.  Conclusion: Service on the basis of the baptism of the Spirit and official ministry on the basis of a distinctive sacramental rite 121
Part Three  
Organization and Spirituality of Ministry in the Course of Church History  
Section 1: From the Second century to the beginning of the early Middle ages 125
1. Specific concentration of the Charisma of the Spirit given to all on the ministerial charisma of deacons, presbyters and episkopoi with its diaconal emphasis 125
2. A link in liturgical witness: the first half on the third century 133
3. A new phenomenon, the visitator: from presbyter to priest 140
4. The change under Emperor Theodosius 141
5. Retrospect: typical differents between the first, second and fourth centuries 151
6. Canon 6 of  Chalcedon 154
7. The end of late antiquity and the transition to the early Middle Ages 156
Section 2: The priest from the eighth to the thirteenth century 161
Introduction 161
1. From the eighth to the tenth century: the ritualistic priest 161
2. From the end of the tenth to the end of the eleventh century: the monastic priest 163
3. From the end of the eleventh to the beginning of the thirteenth century: the evangelical priest within the world- affirming spirituality 167
4. Priestly pastorate and lay preaching in the Middle Ages 174
5. Causes of the changed image of the priest in the Middle Ages 189
Section 3: The 'modern' image of the priest 195
Introduction 195
1. Prehistory: Josse Clichtove (1472-1543) 195
2. The Council of Trent on Ministry 197
3. The nucleus of the post- Tridentine view of ministry: the danger-point in the spirituality of ministry in the 'Ecole Francaise' 202
Section 4: Continuity and significant breaks in the history of the theology and practice of ministry 203
Part four: Listening to the 'Complaints of the People'  
Introduction 209
1. Discontent among the bishops: The 1971 Synod of Bishops on the priesthood: the crisis of the apolitical, celibate priesthood 209
2. Discontent among women 236
3. Discontent connected with the deployment of married priests and away from pastoral work 240
4. Discontent expressing itself in alternative practices of ministry 254
Part Five: The Church with a Human Face  
1. Roman Carholic problems with ministry, the Declaration of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, anf the ecumenical Lima Report 259
2. Problems surrounding the diaconate and the question of a fourth ministry 265
Abbreviations 268
Notes 270
Bibliography 295
Index of Biblical References 301
Index of Names 305