Foreword |
1 |
Abbreviations |
19 |
Scholarship and the Infancy Narratives (§ 1) |
25-41 |
A. The Infancy Narratives and the Rest of the Gospels |
1. The Formation of the Gospels |
2. The Development of Christology |
B. The Infancy Narratives as History |
1. The Problem of Corroborating Witnesses |
2. The Problem of Conflicting Details |
C. The Infancy Narratives as Vehicles of the Evangelist’s Theology |
General Bibliography for the Two Infancy Narratives |
I. General Observations on the Matthean Gospel and Infancy Narrative (§ 2) |
45-56 |
A. The Matthean Gospel |
B. The Matthean Infancy Narrative |
1. The Relation of Chs. 1-2 to the Rest of the Gospel |
2. The Internal Organization of Chs. 1-2 |
Bibliography for the Matthean Infancy Narrative |
II. The Genealogy of Jesus (§ 3) |
57-95 |
Translation of Matt 1:1-17 and Informational Notes |
Comment: |
A. Matthew’s Purpose in the Genealogy |
1. General Observations |
2. How Matthew Composed the Genealogy |
3. Why Bring on the Ladies? |
1. Fourteen—the Magic Number |
2. Could Matthew Count? |
A. Matthew’s Genealogy Compared to Luke’s |
1. Who Was Jesus’Grandfather? |
2. The Family Tree of the Son of God |
3. Sectional Bibliography |
I. The Composition of the Basic Matthean Narrative in 1:18-2:23 (§ 4) |
96-121 |
A. Matthew’s Formula Citations of Scripture |
1. Purpose of the Citations |
2. Relation of the Citations to Their Context |
3. Origin of the Formula Citations 101 |
B. The Detection of Pre-Matthean Material |
1. The Method Employed in the Detection |
2. Summary of the Results |
Sectional Bibliography : |
II. The Conception of Jesus (§ 5) |
122-164 |
Translation of Matt 1:18-25 and Informational Notes |
Comment: |
A. Matthew’s Message: the Who and the How—a Christological Revelation |
1. The Quis: Who Jesus Is |
2. The Quomodo or the “How” of Jesus’ Identity |
B. The Formula Citation of Isaiah 7:14 |
1. The Placing of the Citation |
2. Isaiah 7:14 in the Hebrew and Greek Bibles |
3. The Matthean Use of Isaiah 7:14 |
C. Matthew’s Use of Pre-Matthean Material |
1. The Annunciation of Birth |
2. Begotten of a Virgin through the Holy Spirit |
3. Summary |
Sectional Bibliography |
III. The Magi Come to Pay Homage to the King of the Jews (§ 6) |
165-201 |
Translation of Matt 2:1-12 and Informational Notes |
A. Matthew’s Message: the Where and the Whence—Reactions to a Christological Revelation |
1. The Place of 2:1—12 in the Plan of Chapter Two |
2. The Relation of the Plan to Matthew’s Message |
B. Matthew’s Use of Scripture in the Service of His Message |
1. The Formula Citation of Micah 5:1 and II Sam 5:2 in Scene 1 |
2. The Implicit Citation of Isa 60:6 and Ps 72:10-11 in Scene 2 |
C. The Pre-Matthean Background of the Magi Story |
1. History and Verisimilitude |
2. The Balaam Narrative |
D. The Magi in Subsequent Christian Piety |
Sectional Bibliography |
I. Herod Unsuccessfully Seeks to Destroy the King of the Jews (§ 7) |
202-230 |
Translation of Matt 2:13-23 and Informational Notes |
Comment: |
A. Matthew’s Message as Enhanced by His Use of Scripture |
Chapter Two, Scene 3 (vss. 13-15) |
Chapter Two, Scene 4 (vss. 16-18) |
Chapter Two, Scene 5 (vss. 19-23) |
B. The Three Formula Citations |
1. The Citation of Hosea 11:1 in Matt 2:15b |
2. The Citation of Jer 31:15 in Matt 2:18 |
3. The Citation of Isa 4:3 and Judg 16:17 in Matt 2:23? |
C. The Pre-Matthean Background of the Herod Story |
1. History and Verisimilitude |
2. The Joseph/Moses Narrative |
Sectional Bibliography |
II. Epilogue (§ 8) |
231-232 |
I. General Observations on the Lucan Gospel and Infancy Narrative (§ 9) |
235-255 |
A. The Lucan Gospel |
B. The Lucan Infancy Narrative |
1. The Relation of Chs. 1-2 to the Rest of Luke/Acts |
2. The Internal Organization of Chs. 1-2 |
Bibliography for the Lucan Infancy Narrative |
II. The Annunciation of the Birth of John the Baptist (§ 10) |
256-285 |
Translation of Luke 1:5-25 and Informational Notes |
Comment: |
A. The Introduction (1:5-7) |
B. The Annunciation (1:8-23) |
1. Echoes of Daniel in the Appearance of Gabriel |
2. The Message (13-17) |
3. Zechariah’s Response (18-20) and the Conclusion (21-23) |
C The Epilogue (1:24-25) |
A. The Relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus |
Sectional Bibliography |
III. The Annunciation of the Birth of Jesus (§ 11) |
286-329 |
Translation of Luke 1:26-38 and Informational Notes |
Comment: |
A. The Structure and the Annunciation Pattern |
B. The Virginal Conception (1:34) |
1. Does the Present Account Contain a Virginal Conception? |
2. Did the Original Account Contain a Virginal Conception? |
3. The Logic of Mary’s Question in 1:34 |
C. The Future Accomplishments of the Child (1:32,33,35) |
1. The Davidic Messiah (32-33) |
2. The Son of God through the Power of the Holy Spirit (35) |
D. The Portrait of Mary as Handmaid (1:38) |
E. Mary and Old Testament Symbolism? |
1. Daughter of Zion in the Old Testament |
2. The Salutation in 1:28 |
3. The Ark of the Covenant in 1:35? |
Sectional Bibliography |
IV. The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth (§ 12) 330- |
330-366 |
Translation of Luke 1:39—56 and Informational Notes |
Comment: |
A. The Structure and Composition of the Scene |
B. The Visitation (1:39-45,56) |
The Lucan Canticles in General |
1. The Composition of the Canticles |
2. The Canticles and the Jewish Christian Anawim |
A. The Magnificat (1:46-55) |
1. The Structure |
2. The Contents |
Sectional Bibliography |
II. The Birth and Naming of John the Baptist; Zechariah’s Prophecy (§ 13) |
367-392 |
Translation of Luke 1:57-80 and Informational Notes |
Comment: |
A. The Birth and Naming (1:57-66,80) |
B. The Benedictus (1:67-79) |
1. The Setting and the Structure |
2. The Contents |
Sectional Bibliography |
III. The Birth and Naming of Jesus (§ 14) |
393-434 |
Translation of Luke 2:1-21 and Informational Notes |
Comment: |
A. The Structure of the Story in 2:1-40 |
B. The Setting at Bethlehem (2:1-7) |
1. The Census of the Whole World (1-5) |
2. The Birth, the Swaddling, and the Manger (6-7) |
C. The Annunciation to the Shepherds (2:8—14) |
1. The Symbolism of the Shepherds (8) |
2. The Annunciation by the Angel of the Lord (9-12) |
3. The Canticle of the Heavenly Host (13-14) |
D. The Reaction as the Shepherds Go to Bethlehem (2:15-20) |
E. The Circumcision and the Naming (2:21) |
Sectional Bibliography |
IV. The Presentation; Simeon and Anna Prophesy aboutJesus (§15) |
435-470 |
Translation of Luke 2:22-40 and Informational Notes |
Comment: |
A. The Sequence and Internal Structure |
B. The Setting Supplied by the Law (2:22-24) |
C. Simeon Greets the Child and Prophesies (2:25-35) |
1. The Characterization and Symbolism of Simeon |
1. The Problem of the Two Oracles |
2. Simeon’s Nunc Dimittis (29-32) |
3. Simeon’s Second Oracle (34c-35) |
A. Anna Greets the Child (2:36-38) |
B. The Conclusion (2:39-40) |
Sectional Bibliography |
II. The Boy Jesus in the Temple Speaks of His Father (§ 16) |
471-496 |
Translation of Luke 2:41-52 and Informational Notes |
Comment: |
A. Structure, Christology, and Outline |
B. The Introduction and the Setting (2:41-45) |
C. The Core of the Story (2:46-50) |
1. Jesus Is Found in the Midst of the Teachers (46-48a) |
2. The Mother’s Question Leads Jesus to Speak about His Father (48b-50) |
D. The Conclusion (2:51-52) |
Sectional Bibliography |
III. Epilogue (§ 17) |
497-499 |
I. Levirate Marriage |
503-564 |
II. Davidic Descent |
III. Birth at Bethlehem |
TV. Virginal Conception |
V. The Charge of Illegitimacy |
VI. Other Jewish Background for Matthew’s Narrative |
VII. The Census under Quirinius |
VIII. Midrash as a Literary Genre |
IX. The Fourth Eclogue of Virgil |
* With bibliography |
Bibliographical Index of Authors |
573-583 |
Index of Subjects |