The Holy Spirit And Liberation
Tác giả: José Comblin
Ký hiệu tác giả: CO-J
DDC: 230.046 4 - Thần học giải phóng
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0006448
Nhà xuất bản: Burns & Oates
Năm xuất bản: 1989
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 213
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Abbreviations and Short Forms                           ix
Introduction                                                xi
I. Experience of the Holy Spirit                           1
1. The Place of Experience of the Spirit in Christianity  1
2. Experiencing the Spirit in Latin America  19
3. Experience of the spirit in the History of Theology    33
Conclusion  41
II. The Holy Spirit in the World                           43
1. The Spirit and the New Creation  43
2. The Spirit in History  51
3. The Action of the Spirit in the World  61
Conclusion  75
III. The Holy Spirit in the Church                         77
1. The Relationship between the Spirit and the Church 77
2. The Spirit and the Marks of the Church  96
3. The Spirit and the Ministry of the Church  102
4. The Spirit and Ministerial Office 114
Conclusion  119
IV. The Holy Spirit in Persons                            121
1. The Crisis of Models for the Action of the Spirit  123
2. Components of the New Spirituality  131
V. The Two Hands of God 140
1. The Son and the Spirit in Jesus  142
2. The Spirit and the Word  146
3. Christ and the Spirit in the Church  156
4. Christ and the spirit in Evangelization  159
Conclusion  162
VI. The Holy Spirit and the Trinity 163
1. The Spirit in Relation to the Father and the Son 163
2. Some Important Aspects of Tradition 175
General Conclusion 178
Summary 184
Glossary 187
Notes 189
Select Bibliography 205
Index 207