Adam and eve: the first family and the first crime |
Cain and abel: the first murder |
Noal and the Ark: earth population 8 |
Tower of babel: origin of diverse langguages |
Abraham: father of all Jew, christians anf Muslims |
Sodom and Gomorrah: Lot's Wife turned to salt |
Jacob: father of the twelve Jewish tribes |
Joseph and his dream coat of many color: ex-prisoner becomes prime minister of Egypt |
Moses and ten commandments: prince to shepherd to prophet to lawgiver |
The losst ark of the convenant: look but don't touch |
The God diet: bible health and dietary laws |
The seven Jewish feasts: God's prophetic time clock: where are we now? |
The donkey that spoke to a prophet |
Rahad the prostitute and the spies: resued and now in the lineage of Jesus |
Joshua: a shout brings down the walls of jericho |
Judge Gideon is visited by an angel |
Samson and deliah: steroid free but bound by lust |
Ruth and Naomi: how to Marry a milionaire |
King Saul: Israel's first king visits a pyschic friend |
David and goliath: obstacles represent opportunities for promotion |
Solomon: from dysfunctional family to the richest man who ever lived |
Queen of Sheba: waelthy beyond measure but agroupie to Solomon |
Elijah, Ahab, and Jezebel: prophet contends with corrupt politiciants |
Elisha, "Swing low sweet chariot": be careful who you cal blad head |
Esther's beaty saves Isreal: aqueen sticks her neck out |
Three hebrew children in the fiery furnace |
Daniel, can't you read the writing on the wall: King gets a pink slip |
Jonah attands whale belly university: and gets an education |