A Council For The Global Church
Tác giả: Massimo Faggioli
Ký hiệu tác giả: MA-F
DDC: 262.52 - Các Công đồng
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0004444
Nhà xuất bản: Fortress Press Minneapolis
Năm xuất bản: 2015
Khổ sách: 30
Số trang: 350
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có


Acknownledgments ix
Publication Credits xi
Introduction 1
Part I. The Debate on Vatican II in a Catholicism Made Global  
1. Fifty Years of Debate on Vatican II From Paul VI to Francis (1965–2015)
2. The History and the “Narratives” of Vatican II 37
3. Forms of Procedure and Sources of Legitimacy in the Second Vatican Council
4. The Post–Vatican II Debate and the Post–Council of Basel Period Conciliarism and Constitutionalism
 Ecclesiology and Intertextuality at Vatican II  
5. The Liturgical Reform and the Meaning of Vatican II 99
6. The Battle over Gaudium et Spes Then and Now Dialogue with the Modern World after Vatican II
7 The Political Significance of Vatican II and Its “Constitutional” Value 143
8. Vatican II and the Church of the Margins 165
Part III. Vatican II and the Agenda of the Church  
9. The Relevance of Vatican II after Fifty Years
10. The Role of Episcopal Conferences since Vatican II A Test Case for Collegiality in the Church
11. Vatican II and the Agenda for Collegiality and Synodality in the Twenty-First Century 229
12. About Vatican II and Women in the Church Councils and Postconciliar Periods in Modern Catholicism
13. The Future of Vatican II The Vision of the Council beyond the “Narratives”
Part IV. A Council for the Global Church  
14. Catholicism From a European Church to Global Catholicism
15. The Church of Vatican II and the Common Ground Catholicism and Citizenship
16. Conclusions Pope Francis and the Shift in the Debate on Vatican II