Introduction |
1 |
Mary, Mother of God |
5 |
Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, bishops and doctors |
6 |
Elizabeth Ann Seton, religious |
9 |
John Neumann, bishop |
11 |
Andre Bessette, religious |
13 |
Raymond of Penyafort, priest |
13 |
Hilary, bishop and doctor |
16 |
Anthony, abbot |
18 |
Fabian, pope and martyr |
20 |
Sebastian, martyr |
20 |
Agnes, virgin and martyr |
21 |
Vincent, deacon and martyr |
22 |
Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor |
24 |
Conversion of Paul, apostle |
25 |
Timothy and Titus, bishops |
26 |
Angela Merici, virgin |
31 |
Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor |
28 |
John Bosco, priest |
34 |
Presentation of the Lord |
36 |
Blase, bishop and martyr |
37 |
Ansgar, bishop |
39 |
Agatha, virgin and martyr |
40 |
Paul Miki and Companions, martyrs |
41 |
Jerome Emiliani |
43 |
Scholastica, virgin |
44 |
Our Lady of Lourdes |
46 |
Cyril, monk, and Methodius, bishop |
48 |
Seven Founders of the Order of Servites |
50 |
Peter Damian, bishop and doctor |
51 |
Chair of Peter, apostle |
53 |
Polycarp, bishop and martyr |
55 |
Katherine Drexel, virgin |
57 |
Casimir |
59 |
Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs |
60 |
John of God, religious |
62 |
Frances of Rome, religious |
63 |
Patrick, bishop |
65 |
Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop and doctor |
67 |
Joseph, Husband of Mary |
69 |
Turibius of Mogrovejo, bishop |
71 |
Annunciation of the Lord |
72 |
Francis of Paola, hermit |
75 |
Isidore of Seville, bishop and doctor |
77 |
Vincent Ferrer, priest |
78 |
John Baptist de la Salle, priest |
80 |
Stanislaus of Kraków, bishop and martyr |
83 |
Martin I, pope and martyr |
82 |
Anselm, bishop and doctor |
85 |
George, martyr |
86 |
Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest and martyr |
87 |
Mark, evangelist |
89 |
Peter Chanel, priest and martyr |
91 |
Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor |
92 |
Pius V, pope |
94 |
Joseph the Worker |
96 |
Athanasius, bishop and doctor |
97 |
Philip and James, apostles |
99 |
Nereus and Achilleus, martyrs |
101 |
Pancras, martyr |
102 |
Matthias, apostle |
103 |
Isidore the Farmer |
104 |
John I, pope and martyr |
106 |
Bernardine of Siena, priest |
107 |
Venerable Bede, priest and doctor |
109 |
Gregory VII, pope |
110 |
Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, virgin |
112 |
Philip Neri, priest |
114 |
Augustine of Canterbury, bishop |
115 |
Sacred Heart |
119 |
Immaculate Heart of Mary |
120 |
Justin, martyr |
122 |
Marcellinus and Peter, martyrs |
123 |
Charles Lwanga, martyr, and Companions, martyrs |
124 |
Boniface, bishop and martyr |
125 |
Norbert, bishop |
127 |
Ephrem the Syrian, deacon and doctor |
128 |
Barnabas, apostle |
130 |
Anthony of Padua, priest and doctor |
132 |
Romuald, abbot |
133 |
Aloysius Gonzaga, religious |
135 |
Paulinus of Nola, bishop |
136 |
John Fisher, bishop and martyr |
138 |
Thomas More, martyr |
140 |
Birth of John the Baptist |
141 |
Cyril of Alexandria, bishop and doctor |
143 |
Irenaeus, bishop and martyr |
145 |
Peter and Paul, apostles |
146 |
First Martyrs of the Church of Rome |
149 |
Junipero Serra |
153 |
Thomas, apostle |
154 |
Elizabeth of Portugal |
156 |
Anthony Zaccaria, priest |
158 |
Maria Goretti, virgin and martyr |
159 |
Benedict, abbot |
161 |
Henry |
162 |
Kateri Tekakwitha, virgin |
164 |
Bonaventure, bishop and doctor |
165 |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
167 |
Lawrence of Brindisi, priest and doctor |
169 |
Mary Magdalene |
170 |
Bridget, religious |
172 |
James, apostle |
174 |
Joachim and Ann, parents of Mary |
175 |
Martha |
177 |
Peter Chrysologus, bishop and doctor |
178 |
Ignatius of Loyola, priest |
181 |
Alphonsus Liguori, bishop and doctor |
183 |
Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop |
185 |
John Vianney, priest |
186 |
Dedication of St. Mary Major |
188 |
Transfiguration of the Lord |
189 |
Sixtus II, pope and martyr, and companions, martyrs |
190 |
Cajetan, priest |
192 |
Dominic, priest |
194 |
Lawrence, deacon and martyr |
196 |
Clare, virgin |
Pontian, pope and martyr, and Hippolytus, priest and martyr |
198 |
Maximilian Mary Kolbe, priest and martyr |
200 |
Assumption |
202 |
Stephen of Hungary |
203 |
Jane Frances de Chantal, religious |
205 |
John Eudes, priest |
207 |
Bernard, abbot and doctor |
209 |
Pius X, pope |
211 |
Queenship of Mary |
212 |
Rose of Lima, virgin |
214 |
Bartholomew, apostle |
216 |
Louis |
217 |
Joseph Calasanz, priest |
219 |
Monica |
221 |
Augustine, bishop and doctor |
223 |
Beheading of John the Baptist |
224 |
Gregory the Great, pope and doctor |
226 |
Birth of Mary |
227 |
Peter Claver, priest |
229 |
John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor |
231 |
Triumph of the Cross |
233 |
Our Lady of Sorrows |
234 |
Cornelius, pope and martyr, and Cyprian, bishop and martyr |
235 |
Robert Bellarmine, bishop and doctor |
239 |
Januarius, bishop and martyr |
241 |
Andrew Kim Taegon, priest and martyr, Paul Chong Hasang, and Companions, martyrs |
242 |
Matthew, apostle and evangelist |
244 |
Cosmas and Damian, martyrs |
246 |
Vincent de Paul, priest |
247 |
Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, martyrs |
249 |
Wenceslaus, martyr |
251 |
Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, archangels |
252 |
Jerome, priest and doctor |
253 |
Theresa of the Child Jesus, virgin |
256 |
Guardian Angels |
257 |
Francis of Assisi |
259 |
Bruno, priest |
261 |
Marie-Rose Durocher, religious |
263 |
Our Lady of the Rosary |
265 |
Denis, bishop and martyr and Companions, martyrs |
266 |
John Leonardi, priest |
267 |
Callistus I, pope and martyr |
269 |
Teresa of Jesus, virgin and doctor |
271 |
Hedwig, religious |
273 |
Margaret Mary Alacoque |
274 |
Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr |
276 |
Luke, evangelist |
277 |
Isaac Jogues and John de Brébeuf, priests and martyrs, and Companions, martyrs |
279 |
John of Capistrano, priest |
281 |
Anthony Claret, bishop |
283 |
Simon and Jude, apostles |
285 |
All Saints |
287 |
All Souls |
288 |
Martin de Porres, religious |
290 |
Charles Borromeo, bishop |
292 |
Dedication of St. John Lateran |
294 |
Leo the Great, pope and doctor |
295 |
Martin of Tours, bishop |
296 |
Josaphat, bishop and martyr |
298 |
Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin |
300 |
Albert the Great, bishop and doctor |
302 |
Margaret of Scotland |
304 |
Gertrude, virgin |
306 |
Elizabeth of Hungary, religious |
307 |
Rose Philippine Duchesne, virgin |
308 |
Dedication of the Churches of Peter and Paul |
310 |
Presentation of Mary |
312 |
Cecilia, virgin and martyr |
313 |
Clement I, pope and martyr |
314 |
Columban, abbot |
316 |
Andrew Dung-Lac, priest and martyr, and companions, martyrs |
317 |
Andrew, apostle |
319 |
Francis Xavier, priest |
321 |
John Damascene, priest and doctor |
323 |
Nicholas, bishop |
324 |
Ambrose, bishop and doctor |
325 |
Immaculate Conception |
327 |
Damasus I, pope |
329 |
Our Lady of Guadalupe |
331 |
Lucy, virgin and martyr |
332 |
John of the Cross, priest and doctor |
334 |
Peter Canisius, priest and doctor |
336 |
John of Kanty, priest |
338 |
Stephen, first martyr |
339 |
John, apostle and evangelist |
341 |
Holy Innocents, martyrs |
343 |
Thomas Becket, bishop and martyr |
345 |
Sylvester I, pope |
346 |
Index |
349 |