Saint Of The Day
Phụ đề: Lives And Lessons For Saints And Feasts Of The New Missal
Tác giả: Leonard Foley
Ký hiệu tác giả: FO-L
DDC: 264.5 - Phụng vụ các Thánh
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0017150
Nhà xuất bản: St. Anthony Messenger Press
Năm xuất bản: 1990
Khổ sách: 24
Số trang: 355
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Introduction 1
Mary, Mother of God 5
Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, bishops and doctors 6
Elizabeth Ann Seton, religious 9
John Neumann, bishop 11
Andre Bessette, religious 13
Raymond of Penyafort, priest 13
Hilary, bishop and doctor 16
Anthony, abbot 18
Fabian, pope and martyr 20
Sebastian, martyr 20
Agnes, virgin and martyr 21
Vincent, deacon and martyr 22
Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor 24
Conversion of Paul, apostle 25
Timothy and Titus, bishops 26
Angela Merici, virgin 31
Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor 28
John Bosco, priest 34
Presentation of the Lord 36
Blase, bishop and martyr 37
Ansgar, bishop 39
Agatha, virgin and martyr 40
Paul Miki and Companions, martyrs 41
Jerome Emiliani 43
Scholastica, virgin 44
Our Lady of Lourdes 46
Cyril, monk, and Methodius, bishop 48
Seven Founders of the Order of Servites 50
Peter Damian, bishop and doctor 51
Chair of Peter, apostle 53
Polycarp, bishop and martyr 55
Katherine Drexel, virgin 57
Casimir 59
Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs 60
John of God, religious 62
Frances of Rome, religious 63
Patrick, bishop 65
Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop and doctor 67
Joseph, Husband of Mary 69
Turibius of Mogrovejo, bishop 71
Annunciation of the Lord 72
Francis of Paola, hermit 75
Isidore of Seville, bishop and doctor 77
Vincent Ferrer, priest 78
John Baptist de la Salle, priest 80
Stanislaus of Kraków, bishop and martyr 83
Martin I, pope and martyr 82
Anselm, bishop and doctor 85
George, martyr 86
Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest and martyr 87
Mark, evangelist 89
Peter Chanel, priest and martyr 91
Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor 92
Pius V, pope 94
Joseph the Worker 96
Athanasius, bishop and doctor 97
Philip and James, apostles 99
Nereus and Achilleus, martyrs 101
Pancras, martyr 102
Matthias, apostle 103
Isidore the Farmer 104
John I, pope and martyr 106
Bernardine of Siena, priest 107
Venerable Bede, priest and doctor 109
Gregory VII, pope 110
Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, virgin 112
Philip Neri, priest 114
Augustine of Canterbury, bishop 115
Sacred Heart 119
Immaculate Heart of Mary 120
Justin, martyr 122
Marcellinus and Peter, martyrs 123
Charles Lwanga, martyr, and Companions, martyrs 124
Boniface, bishop and martyr 125
Norbert, bishop 127
Ephrem the Syrian, deacon and doctor 128
Barnabas, apostle 130
Anthony of Padua, priest and doctor 132
Romuald, abbot 133
Aloysius Gonzaga, religious 135
Paulinus of Nola, bishop 136
John Fisher, bishop and martyr 138
Thomas More, martyr 140
Birth of John the Baptist 141
Cyril of Alexandria, bishop and doctor 143
Irenaeus, bishop and martyr 145
Peter and Paul, apostles 146
First Martyrs of the Church of Rome 149
Junipero Serra 153
Thomas, apostle 154
Elizabeth of Portugal 156
Anthony Zaccaria, priest 158
Maria Goretti, virgin and martyr 159
Benedict, abbot 161
Henry 162
Kateri Tekakwitha, virgin 164
Bonaventure, bishop and doctor 165
Our Lady of Mount Carmel 167
Lawrence of Brindisi, priest and doctor 169
Mary Magdalene 170
Bridget, religious 172
James, apostle 174
Joachim and Ann, parents of Mary 175
Martha 177
Peter Chrysologus, bishop and doctor 178
Ignatius of Loyola, priest 181
Alphonsus Liguori, bishop and doctor 183
Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop 185
John Vianney, priest 186
Dedication of St. Mary Major 188
Transfiguration of the Lord 189
Sixtus II, pope and martyr, and companions, martyrs 190
Cajetan, priest 192
Dominic, priest 194
Lawrence, deacon and martyr 196
Clare, virgin  
Pontian, pope and martyr, and Hippolytus, priest and martyr 198
Maximilian Mary Kolbe, priest and martyr 200
Assumption 202
Stephen of Hungary 203
Jane Frances de Chantal, religious 205
John Eudes, priest 207
Bernard, abbot and doctor 209
Pius X, pope 211
Queenship of Mary 212
Rose of Lima, virgin 214
Bartholomew, apostle 216
Louis 217
Joseph Calasanz, priest 219
Monica 221
Augustine, bishop and doctor 223
Beheading of John the Baptist 224
Gregory the Great, pope and doctor 226
Birth of Mary 227
Peter Claver, priest 229
John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor 231
Triumph of the Cross 233
Our Lady of Sorrows 234
Cornelius, pope and martyr, and Cyprian, bishop and martyr 235
Robert Bellarmine, bishop and doctor 239
Januarius, bishop and martyr 241
Andrew Kim Taegon, priest and martyr, Paul Chong Hasang, and Companions, martyrs 242
Matthew, apostle and evangelist 244
Cosmas and Damian, martyrs 246
Vincent de Paul, priest 247
Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, martyrs 249
Wenceslaus, martyr 251
Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, archangels 252
Jerome, priest and doctor 253
Theresa of the Child Jesus, virgin 256
Guardian Angels 257
Francis of Assisi 259
Bruno, priest 261
Marie-Rose Durocher, religious 263
Our Lady of the Rosary 265
Denis, bishop and martyr and Companions, martyrs 266
John Leonardi, priest 267
Callistus I, pope and martyr 269
Teresa of Jesus, virgin and doctor 271
Hedwig, religious 273
Margaret Mary Alacoque 274
Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr 276
Luke, evangelist 277
Isaac Jogues and John de Brébeuf, priests and martyrs, and Companions, martyrs 279
John of Capistrano, priest 281
Anthony Claret, bishop 283
Simon and Jude, apostles 285
All Saints 287
All Souls 288
Martin de Porres, religious 290
Charles Borromeo, bishop 292
Dedication of St. John Lateran 294
Leo the Great, pope and doctor 295
Martin of Tours, bishop 296
Josaphat, bishop and martyr 298
Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin 300
Albert the Great, bishop and doctor 302
Margaret of Scotland 304
Gertrude, virgin 306
Elizabeth of Hungary, religious 307
Rose Philippine Duchesne, virgin 308
Dedication of the Churches of Peter and Paul 310
Presentation of Mary 312
Cecilia, virgin and martyr 313
Clement I, pope and martyr 314
Columban, abbot 316
Andrew Dung-Lac, priest and martyr, and companions, martyrs 317
Andrew, apostle 319
Francis Xavier, priest 321
John Damascene, priest and doctor 323
Nicholas, bishop 324
Ambrose, bishop and doctor 325
Immaculate Conception 327
Damasus I, pope 329
Our Lady of Guadalupe 331
Lucy, virgin and martyr 332
John of the Cross, priest and doctor 334
Peter Canisius, priest and doctor 336
John of Kanty, priest 338
Stephen, first martyr 339
John, apostle and evangelist 341
Holy Innocents, martyrs 343
Thomas Becket, bishop and martyr 345
Sylvester I, pope 346
Index 349