11 |
Introduction |
28 |
I. The Beginning 1:1-13 |
28 |
John the Baptist 1:1-8 |
36 |
The Baptism of Jesus 1:9-11 |
42 |
The Temptation of Jesus 1:12-13 |
44 |
II. The Authority of Jesus and the Blindness of the Pharisees 1:14-3:6 |
44 |
A. THE AUTHORITY OVER DEMONS AND ILLNESS Jesus Proclaims the Kingdom of God 1:14-15 |
44 |
The Call to Discipleship 1:16-20 |
47 |
The Demonstration of the Authority of Jesus |
53 |
The Healing in the House of Simon 1:29-31 |
53 |
The Significance of the Authority of Jesus 1:32-39. |
57 |
The Influence of the Authority of Jesus in Spite of the Command to Be Silent 1:40-45 |
59 |
59 |
The Authority to Forgive Sins 2:1-12 |
62 |
The Meal with Outcasts 2:13-17 |
66 |
The Freedom from Religious Ritual 2:18-22 |
70 |
The Freedom from Law 2:23-28 |
73 |
The Stubbornness of the Pharisees 3:1-6 |
78 |
III. Jesus' Ministry in Parables and Signs and the Blindness of the World 3:7-6:6a |
Jesus' Ministry to the Whole World 3:7-12 |
78 |
The Calling of the Twelve 3:13-19 |
80 |
The Blindness of Man and the Parables of Jesus 3:20-35 |
82 |
The Parable of the Troubled Farmer 4:1-9 |
88 |
The Nature of the Parables 4:10-12 |
91 |
The Explanation of the Four Kinds of Fields 4:13-20... |
95 |
Listen, Then, If You Have Ears to Hear With! 4:21-25. |
98 |
The Parable of the Seed Which Grows Without Any Help from the Farmer 4:26-29 |
101 |
The Parable of the Mustard Seed Which Becomes a Great Bush 4:30-32 |
103 |
Why Jesus Taught in Parables 4:33-34 |
105 |
The Authority of Jesus over the Wind and the Waves 4:35-41 |
107 |
The Authority of Jesus over Demons 5:1-20 |
110 |
The Authority of Jesus over Sickness and Death 5:21-43 |
115 |
The Rejection of Jesus by His Fellow Citizens 6:1-6a |
122 |
IV. Jesus' Ministry to the Gentiles and the Blindness of the Disciples 6:6b-8:26 |
126 |
The Sending of the Disciples 6:7-13 |
126 |
Jesus' Teaching Ministry 6:6b |
126 |
The Destiny of the Baptist as Prophetic of the Destiny of Jesus 6:14-29 |
131 |
The Return of the Disciples 6:30-31 |
135 |
The Authority of Jesus to Feed Five Thousand 6:32-44 |
136 |
The Authority of Jesus in Walking on the Water 6:45-52 |
140 |
The Pursuit of Miracles 6:53-56 |
143 |
The Question about the Law 7:1-23 |
143 |
The First Example of the Faith of the Gentiles 7:24-30. |
151 |
The Miracle of the Opening of Deaf Ears 7:31-37 |
153 |
The Authority of Jesus to Feed Four Thousand 8:1-10 |
155 |
The Demand for a Sign 8:11-13 |
157 |
The Blindness of the Disciples 8:14-21 |
160 |
The Miracle of the Opening of Blind Eyes 8:22-26 |
162 |
V. Jesus' Open Revelation and the Meaning of Discipleship 8:27-10:52 |
165 |
Peter's Misunderstanding, Jesus' Teaching about the Suf- fering of the Son of Man, and the Disciples' Lack of Understanding 8:27-33 |
165 |
Discipleship 8:34-9:1 |
174 |
God's Response to the Clear Statement in Regard to the Suffering of the Son of Man 9:2-8 |
180 |
The Discussion Concerning the Coming of Elijah and the Suffering of the Son of Man 9:9-13 |
183 |
The Healing of the Boy with Epilepsy and His Father's Lack of Faith 9:14-29 |
186 |
Jesus' Second Teaching about the Suffering of the Son of Man 9:30-32 |
190 |
The Ignorance of the Disciples and Discipleship 9:33-37 |
191 |
Who Is Truly a Disciple? 9:38-40 |
193 |
Proverbs for Disciples 9:41-50 |
196 |
Discipleship in Marriage 10:1-12 |
200 |
Discipleship in Childlike Faith 10:13-16 |
205 |
Discipleship in Freedom from Possessions 10:17-31 |
208 |
Jesus' Third Teaching Concerning the Suffering of the Son of Man 10:32-34 |
216 |
The Ignorance of the Disciples and Discipleship 10:35-45 |
217 |
Discipleship as a Divine Miracle 10:46-52 |
223 |
VI. The Passion and the Resurrection of the Son of Man 11:1-16:8 |
226 |
226 |
Entering the Temple 11:1-11 |
226 |
The End of the Temple of Israel and God's Turning To-ward the Gentiles 11:12-26 |
229 |
The Question Concerning Jesus' Authority 11:27-33 |
236 |
The Parable Concerning Jesus' Passion 12:1-12 |
238 |
The Pharisees' Question 12:13-17 |
242 |
The Sadducees' Question 12:18-27 |
245 |
A Teacher of the Law Asks the Real Question 12:28-34 |
249 |
Jesus' Decisive Question 12:35-40 |
253 |
The Widow's Offering 12:41-44 |
258 |
The Parousia of the Son of Man 13:1-27 |
260 |
Parables about the Proper Way to Wait 13:28-37 |
278 |
284 |
The Conspiracy to Kill Jesus 14:1-2 |
287 |
The Anointing of Jesus in Preparation for His Death 14:3-9 |
288 |
Judas' Betrayal 14:10-11 |
291 |
The Preparation for the Last Supper 14:12-16 |
293 |
Jesus Identifies His Betrayer 14:17-21 |
298 |
The Promises at the Last Supper 14:22-25 |
299 |
The Blindness of the Disciples and Jesus' Promise 14:26-31 |
305 |
Jesus Faces His Bitter Struggle Alone 14:32-42 |
309 |
Jesus' Arrest 14:43-52 |
315 |
Jesus' Testimony and Peter's Denial 14:53-72 |
319 |
Jesus Is Handed Over to Pilate 15:1 |
333 |
The Condemnation of the King of the Jews 15:2-15 |
334 |
Ridiculing the King of the Jews 15:16-20a |
339 |
The Crucifixion of Jesus 15:20b-26 |
342 |
The Mocking of the Crucified 15:27-32 |
347 |
The Death of Jesus as the Revelation of God 15:33-39 |
351 |
The Women Who Were Disciples of Jesus 15:40-41 |
359 |
The Burial of Jesus 15:42-47 |
360 |
God's Triumph 16:1-8 |
363 |
373 |
379 |
Epilogue: Mark's Theological Achievement |
380 |
Indexes |
Index of Names and Subjects |
387 |
Index to the Excursuses |
396 |