The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325-787)
Phụ đề: Their History and Theology (Theology and Life Series 21) (Volume 21)
Tác giả: Leo Donald Davis
Ký hiệu tác giả: DA-L
DDC: 262.52 - Các Công đồng
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0016945
Nhà xuất bản: Liturgical Press
Năm xuất bản: 1990
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 342
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Preface 9
1. Introduction: The Roman World 11
1. The Roman Empire 11
2. Imperial Organization 13
3. Paganism and Christianity 17
4. Church and State 24
5. Constantine the Great 27
6. Chronology 31
7. Select Bibliography 31
2. Council of Nicaea I, 325 33
1. TheTrinitarian Problem and Proposed Solution before Nicaea 33
2. Arius and the Beginnings of  Controversy 51
3. The Events of the Council of Nicaea 56
4. The Significance of the Council of Nicaea 69
5. Aftermath 75
6. Chronology 77
7. Select Bibliography 79
3. Council of Constantnople I, 381 81
1. Esuebians vs. Nicenes to the Death of Emperor Constants 81
2. Athanasius vs Constantius 91
3. Time Out: Pagan Revival under Julian 100
4. Two New Battles 103
5. Basil vs. Valens 108
6. Nicaea Triumphs 115
7. Unecumenical Council of Constantinople 119
8. Aftermath 129
9. Chronology 131
10. Select Bibliography 132
4. Council of Ephesus, 431 134
1. The Late Empire 134
2. Ecclesiastical Rivalries 136
3. Theological Controversy 140
4. The Divided Council 153
5.The Formula of Union 160
6. Grounds for a New Quarrel 164
7. Chronology 167
8. Select Bibliography 169
5. Council of Chalacedon, 451 170
1. The Monk Eutyches 170
2. The Robber Council of Ephesus 176
3. The Council of Chalcedon 180
4. The  Response of The West 192
5. Aftermath in the East 194
6. Chronology 204
7. Select Bibliography 206
6. Council of Constantinople II, 553 207
1. Development of Mônphysitism 207
2. Orthodox Reaction under Justin I 220
3. Emperor Justinian I 225
4. Council of Constantinople II 240
5. Aftermath 247
6. Chronology 253
7. Select Bibliography 256
7. Council of Constantinople III, 680 258
1. Reign of Heraclius (610-641) 258
2. Religious Controversy 260
3. Muslim Invasion 268
4. Western Response 271
5. Council of Constantiople, III  279
6. Aftermath 284
7. Chronology 288
8. Select Bibliography 289
8. Council of Nicaea II, 787 290
1. Beginnings of Iconoclasm 290
2. Iconoclasm of Leo III 296
3. Constantine V and Council of Hieria 300
4. Aftermath 305
5. The Council of Nicaea II 308
6. Reaction of of the West 311
7. Aftermath in the East 314
8. Chronology 320
9. Select Bibliography 321
9. Epilogue 323
Glossary of Theological Terms 326
Index 331