Conjectures And Refutations
Phụ đề: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge
Tác giả: Karl Popper
Ký hiệu tác giả: PO-K
DDC: 121 - Tri thức luận
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 258SB0016478
Nhà xuất bản: Routledge & Kegan Paul, London
Năm xuất bản: 1963
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 431
Kho sách: Thư viện Sao Biển
Tình trạng: Hiện có
preface   page vii
Acknowledgements viii
Prefaces o the second and Third Editions ix
On the Sources of Knowledge and of Ignorance 3
1 Science: Conjectures and Refutations Appendix: Some Problems in the Philosophy of Science 33
2 The Nature of Philosophical Problems and their Roots in Science 66
3 Three Views Concerning Human Knowledge  97
4 Towards a Rational Theory of Tradition 120
5 Back to the Presocratics Appendix: Historical Conjectures and Heraclitus on Change 153 136
6 A Note on Berkeley as Precursor of Mach and Einstein  166
7 Kant's Critique and Cosmology 175
8 On the Status of Science and of Metaphysics 184
9 Why are the Calculi of Logic and Arithmetic Applicable to Reality? 201
10 Truth, Rationality, and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge 215
1 The Demarcation Between Science and Metaphysics 254
12 Language and the Body-Mind Problem 293
13 A Note on the Body-Mind Problem 299
14 Self-Reference and Meaning in Ordinary Language 304
15 What is Dialectic? 312
16 Prediction and Prophecy in the Social Sciences  336
17 Public Opinion and Liberal Principles 347
18 Utopia and Violence  355
19 The History of Our Time: An Optimist's View  364
20 Humanism and Reason  377
Some Technical Notes  385
Parmenides (1968)  405
Index of Mottoes  416
Index of Names  417
Index of Subjects 422